Winter’s Robe Series
Renewable Wisdom Trails Community Outreach

The upcoming outreach is in honor of the many keepers of earth’s history before organized social systems and laws became necessary. One such person was an elder keeper and personal friend. She recently crossed to another existence. Her name was Grandmother Shanidi Crosby. These teachings and writings are being guided to the public by her hands and blessings. Please be respectful of the privileges that knowledge includes. It is in her words that she said “we are always learning”.

The Winter’s Robe series in our continuing community call outreaches will be focused on the exploration of the Trail of Existence using the cosmology of the Renewable Wisdom Trails. Calls take place once a month for two and a half hours. Each call includes an introduction, selected teaching, and group discussion. The calls are recorded and provided to those that participate.

Using traditional environmental knowledge (TEK), order is maintained by guiding environmental laws, disciplines, and principles illuminated by each species relationship to the great mystery of Nature. This is a key distinction of the Renewable Wisdom Trails, in that it is not being organized or driven by economics, commerce, cognitive or other forms of human-focused participation. Some might find the lack of policies and specific participation requests unsettling, there is no advancement of any agenda. It is left up to each individual to find the self-discovery and internal motivation along the journey. This will be reflected to each participant by the additions, subtractions, and outer relatedness present and revealed in their everyday lives. This is how the mystery of engagement evolves, opens, and presents itself though not just the human world, but all of the worlds.

The Renewable Wisdom Trials is a living cosmology and continues to emerge with the involvement of each participant. Participation opens the ancient disciplines, ethics, principles, and accountability to nature as a whole system and the existence of human interdependence. The Renewable Wisdom Trails cosmology is alive all around us.

If you would like to participant in this upcoming series of teachings and learning for a complete experience on the Trail of Existence (and whatever else is navigated), contact to arrange for additional information on how to participate.


3-part series on “Renewable Wisdom Trails” beginning with Trail of Existence

6 – 8:30 PM Mountain Standard Time – January 02, February 06, March 06 2019

Cost: $40 per conference

Contact: Please contact Dreamweaver on the contact page with any questions or for further details for the dial-in and paypal information

Educational Research and Releases of Knowledge preparing potentials of Dreaming a Sustainable Future