These are some of our past events, held in various locations, for participants all around the US. If you are interested in requesting an event in your location, or just want to get a flavor what what we do, give us a holler.

Fall Equinox 2021

Science, Art, and Craft of Renewable Wisdom Trails
100 Hr. Education and Training Program Offering

Download Full Course Annoucement Flyer

Through this offering, you are invited to participate in these ways of the Keepers and continue to keep alive natures teachings in the way of the Oral Tradition.  Teachings, trainings, and experiences will provide guidance for living in balance with Nature. The journey held within this program shall be exploring, healing ancestral imprints, and making lifestyle adjustments using Renewable Wisdom. The knowledge and guidelines presented will be a key to unlock access the Great Mystery and all its bounty. Our sensory perception will strive to see with new eyes and ears of all worlds of your environment. Critical thinking and critical healing will be presented through the Renewable Wisdom Trails cosmology and tradition. This program offering is the passing on of these teachings held in the bundle’s basket and ready for release to a dedicated group, willing and able, to receive in the many dynamics.

A small group (5 minimum, 8 maximum), 100-hour course offering ‘Science, Art, and Craft of Renewable Wisdom Trails’ is forming and will be starting in the Fall. There will be 50 hours of teachings and trainings  in the Oral science and art, and a minimum of 50 hours self-practicing assignments or tasks of the Oral craft. The course will be delivered in the ways of the ancestors in the Oral Tradition and consist of teachings, storytelling, participation in assignments with nature out on the land, sharing, and establishing connection to ancestors through personalized herbal remedies. The program will remain in fluid motion with participants.

The outcome will not be a diploma, certificate, or title, but will instead be measured only by your own integration of the knowledge and guidelines, accountability with your Creator, and willingness to access the Great Mystery. 

Using a Renewable Wisdom lens, our current lifetime behaviors and environmental changes can be traced by how they are passed down through all our ancestors and experienced through our lineages to place, time, and imprinting. The passing on of Renewable Wisdom includes the basic tenet that we are made of the Earth and not separate from it. We will be walking in this way for the purpose of healing ourselves to get back to original knowing, so that our true mother, Mother Earth, can be in balance with us. We strive to find the knowing and work within guidelines of a transition zone to best avoid the extremes, as is so common in our current societies. We will work within a verb taxonomy, not a locked down noun-based taxonomy, so that we can be in a full co-creation with nature.

As a comparison, in the scientific world, this is called by a recent branch of research called Epigenetics. Epigenetics is the study of how behavior and environment can cause changes that affect the way human genes work. In a simple sense, Epigenetic changes are like light switches; they do not change your DNA sequence but can change how your body reads a DNA sequence.

As part of this course, everyone will have a custom herbal remedy crafted and initiated according to your personal lineage lines and be working with it throughout the course. We will be using these epigenetic trans-generational herbal remedies as part of the teaching path as a reference point for relatedness within the teaching circle. The course-work itself is very personalized in an alchemy, yet one that works for the circle. The course price includes a 90 day-monitoring period that goes beyond the 100-hour course time. It also includes personalized intake session, customized epigenetic herbal remedy to the participants lineages and the skillset to work in the dreamtime, and the follow-up of ceremonial relatedness in nature as well as any necessary healing work that might be required during class.

There has never been a more obvious inflection point as to the direction that humankind, both as individuals and collectively, if the rate of all resource consumption does not return into balance. Is this balance possible? There is no known answer, but our ability to participate in the ancient ways that is at cause for balance, certainly is possible.

All linages, ancestral lines, and belief systems are welcome in participation. If you are drawn to this offering explore more details on the educational syllabus and substance of the course work. Contact us as early as possible for registration and exchange.

If you are drawn to this offering explore the full syllabus and details here: 100Hr Syllabus

Download Full Course Annoucement Flyer

Contact us by email or phone as early as possible for registration and exchange.

Renewable Wisdom Trails™ Classes Forming Now

Orientation and class registration is now open for Fall and Winter 2020 offerings. Please make sure you sign up for our newsletter to get full announcement details. Space is limited.

TEDxDurango Nov 3rd 2019

Dreamweaver will be presenting her TEDxDurango talk. Hope to see you at the event taking place at Fort Lewis College. Stop by and say hi!

Renewable Wisdom Trails Intentional Gathering

“Gatherings by the Lakes Moon”

In the current times in which we live, the collective consciousness of Mother Earth continues her calls for help and balance. In the spirit of doing our part to create the inner and outer relatedness, you are invited to be part of an intentional gathering taking place August 22-26. The gathering will take place on land in the San Juan National Forest (location to be announced to attendees) or in The La Sal Mountains in an area somewhere between Gateway Colorado and Dolores, Colorado.

This will be a ceremonial experience following the teachings and protocols of the Renewable Wisdom Trails cosmology. The alchemy, chosen ceremonies, and experience will allow for full participation and a chance to be in the hands of the mystery provided by Mother Earth. Qualities of learning that will be encouraged are Relatedness, Accomplishment, Teachers, Movement, Recording experiences, Landscapes, Testing and Efficiency. The level of integration will be directed by the level of participation.

This announcement is being provided so that you may dream into whether you are one of the participants. This gathering will allow for knowledge to be turned into wisdom from how the language of nature speaks to you. This gathering will be open for all who are called to it. Mother Earth hopes you attend.

When: 5 days total – Opening Camp arrival August 22, 2019 Closing camp departure August 26, 2019

Where: The La Sal Mountains or San Juan National Forest (location to be announced due to abundant snow pack)

Providers: Eagle Star Blanket and Dreamweaver

Transportation: You will be able to contact other participants to work out transportation to and from the camp gathering location. Airports for flying in include Durango, Cortez, or Grand Junction

Costs: $2000 per person for all provided teachings and ceremonial monitoring/mentoring

Education: Setting up Ceremonial Container, Setting Intent (Formation and Seeking questions) Developing Natural Communications, Monitoring and Mentoring

Future Education: Status of Foundation infrastructure, handling of specific purposed donations, scholarships and continuing education courses and events

Food: You may be self-contained and provide your own food, water, and cooking gear, as well as something for the community kitchen at no additional cost, or $250 for us to provide from the community kitchen.

Gear: We will provide a suggested gear list for consideration

Participation with Mother Earth: Priceless

Contact: Dreamweaver or Eagle for further registration information

2019 Monthly Community Outreach

  The Winter’s Robe series, in our continuing educational community outreach, will be focused on the exploration of the Trail of Existence using the cosmology of the Renewable Wisdom Trails. Calls take place once a month for two and a half hours. Each call includes an introduction, selected teaching, and group discussion. The calls are recorded and provided to those that participate. OPEN INVITATIONAL

3-part series on “Renewable Wisdom Trails” beginning with Trail of Existence
Time: 6 -8:30 PM Mountain Standard Time
Dates: January 02, February 06, March 06 2019
Cost: $40 per conference
Registration: Please contact Dreamweaver on the contact page with any questions or for further details for the dial-in and paypal information

Using traditional environmental knowledge (TEK), order is maintained by guiding environmental laws, disciplines, and principles illuminated by each species relationship to the great mystery of Nature. This is a key distinction of the Renewable Wisdom Trails, in that it is not being organized or driven by economics, commerce, cognitive or other forms of human-focused participation. Some might find the lack of policies and specific participation requests unsettling, there is no advancement of any agenda. It is left up to each individual to find the self-discovery and internal motivation along the journey. This will be reflected to each participant by the additions, subtractions, and outer relatedness present and revealed in their everyday lives. This is how the mystery of engagement evolves, opens, and presents itself though not just the human world, but all of the worlds.

The Renewable Wisdom Trials is a living cosmology and continues to emerge with ongoing involvement. Participation opens the ancient disciplines, ethics, principles, and accountability to nature as a whole system and the existence of human interdependence. The Renewable Wisdom Trails cosmology is alive all around us.

To take part in this upcoming series of teachings and learning for a complete experience on the Trail of Existence (and whatever else is navigated), contact to arrange for additional information on how to participate.

Educational Research and Releases of Knowledge preparing potentials of Dreaming a Sustainable Future

2018 Monthly Community Conference Calls

Fall Series
Greetings all.

We look forward to continuing our ongoing monthly community calls. These calls take place once a month and are designed to be open for inclusiveness for anyone that wants to attend, allowing for entry and exit at any time during the calls.

The focus of this upcoming 3-month Fall series will be on the architecture and design of the Renewable Wisdom Trails bundle. We’ll be talking about the relationship between the twinning of each position on the Turtle shell, the 10 trail headings, and how each relates to the 20 count. If you’re not sure what this means, no problem, join us to learn and explore. This will be a powerful opening of awareness into the renewable wisdom into our daily lives.

Feel free to share this announcement with others that you feel might be interested to participating in these community calls.

Call Information

The calls for the next three months will take place on Wednesday Oct 17th, Nov 14th, and Dec 12th starting at 6:00pm MT till approximately 8:30pm MT.

Conference call number will be provided on RSVP and each participant will receive the call recording.

We are keeping the timing flexible and it will be subject to the group on each call but will roughly resemble:
• 15 minutes to a ½ hour for overview and introduction of the Bundle of knowledge if there are new folks, and open for all as a review/refresher.
• 1 to 1 ½ hours of teachings and techniques related to the topic of the night.
• ½ hour of discussion in a talking stick format for questions.

The exchange for this upcoming series will be $40 per call or if you wanted to pay for all three at once, $108 with a 10% discount payable on Paypal.

Please contact Dreamweaver on the contact page with any questions or for further details for the dial-in and paypal information.

We look forward to sharing with everyone on the call.

Summer Series
Greetings all!

We are about to embark on a new, pilot format for the next three Wednesday conference calls–July 11, August 13, and September 12, from 6 to 8pm MDT. These monthly calls are open for anyone interested in the Renewable Wisdom Trails, no prior experience necessary.

The new pilot format will follow this discussion forum for the next few months, with the opening and closing ‘flow through’ new folks will quickly find room to express themselves in an already strong circle.  In this new format, we’ll begin promptly at 6pm, so please plan to call in to the conference five minutes earlier.


  • Eagle will open with a mini-review of our previous conference topic and a summary of the evening’s teaching.
  • We will go around the circle with a simple sharing our name, location, and why we’re on the call.  We will not be doing ‘check-ins’ as we have in the past.
  • The teaching for the evening
  • Talking Circle with Eagle, a time for comments and questions


  • Open discussion moderated by a volunteer for the evening

Eagle’s teaching on July 11th will continue to expand the Encoding/Decoding process, especially within the framework of our 6th protocol, Participation in the Dance.  He also has a ceremony from the Renewable Wisdom Trails knowledge bundle that he would like to share with us — more about that on the 11th!  From 7:30 to 8pm  on July 11th Dreamweaver will be our moderator.  If you would like to volunteer to lead in August or September, please contact Eagle soon!

There are two intentions for new this open forum.  One is to give each participant an opportunity to answer the questions that others pose.  In this way we can each begin to take on the responsibility of formulating and sharing what we have been integrating from these teachings.  The second is to encourage new participants to join our circle.

Cost: $25 each class, including the class recording.

Please contact Dreamweaver on the contact page with any questions or for further details for the dial-in and paypal information.

Open invitation to all interested in participating in the ongoing Renewable Wisdom Trails monthly conference call. These are community gathering/teachings.

Calls take place once a month, about 2 hours long, and have folks joining in from all around the country. International dialin information is also available.

The exchange is $25 per call.

Info for upcoming June call:

Agenda: Introductions in a Talking Stick Format that includes a check-in sharing about weaving knowledge into daily living
Teaching: Summer season’s growing of Imprinting properties; encoding and decoding
When: June 13th 2018, 6 to 8 PM Mountain Time

Please contact Dreamweaver on the contact page with any questions or for further details for the dial-in and paypal information.

We look forward to sharing with everyone on the call.

The first two courses will be offered in their entirety starting January 2018 for both new and existing students.

Course 02 Fire in the Womb – starting January 9th 2018

The second course will make a pass through the Renewable Wisdom Trails’ twinning cosmology with special emphasis on the fires of Stars and Suns designated by the numbers 11/1. We will gather seeds (intentions) and plant the qualities of awareness and presence. These qualities are characterized by the consciousness inside and outside a body. The body refers to any host form that contains properties. Examples are human, animal, plant, mineral, Earth, Sun and so on.

For more information you can read the Renewable Wisdom Trails Course 2 Final Abstract or contact us here.

If you are interested but have not yet taken Course 01, please read below.

Course 01 Seeding of the Dream: An Introduction to the Renewable Wisdom Trails – starting January 17th 2018

Using firsthand observation, experience, and the teachings of the Renewable Wisdom Trails, this introduction and orientation course, is the first of an ongoing series and prepares each student with the solid foundation necessary for any of the further courses. We will concentrate on the introduction and orientation of the first 10 levels for mastery and co-create addressing questions raised during class from given tasks. During these dynamic calls, topics and discussion will include: sensory self-defense, language, protocols and guidelines in alignment with nature, cosmology, how symbols and experiences are archived within our body and consciousness, as well as various methods of training in alignment with the “Lighting of the Eighth Fire”.

Any level of student is encouraged to participate, as well as the welcoming of all lineages.

For registration and additional information you can read the Renewable Wisdom Trails Course 01 abstract or contact us here .