Through this offering, you are invited to participate in these ways of the Keepers and continue to keep alive natures teachings in the way of the Oral Tradition. Teachings, trainings, and experiences will provide guidance for living in balance with Nature. The journey held within this program shall be exploring, healing ancestral imprints, and making lifestyle adjustments using Renewable Wisdom. The knowledge and guidelines presented will be a key to unlock access the Great Mystery and all its bounty. Our sensory perception will strive to see with new eyes and ears of all worlds of your environment. Critical thinking and critical healing will be presented through the Renewable Wisdom Trails cosmology and tradition. This program offering is the passing on of these teachings held in the bundle’s basket and ready for release to a dedicated group, willing and able, to receive in the many dynamics.
A small group (5 minimum, 8 maximum), 100-hour course offering ‘Science, Art, and Craft of Renewable Wisdom Trails’ is forming and will be starting in the Fall. There will be 50 hours of teachings and trainings in the Oral science and art, and a minimum of 50 hours self-practicing assignments or tasks of the Oral craft. The course will be delivered in the ways of the ancestors in the Oral Tradition and consist of teachings, storytelling, participation in assignments with nature out on the land, sharing, and establishing connection to ancestors through personalized herbal remedies. The program will remain in fluid motion with participants.
…read more by downloading program description and syllabus below.